"Kiss My Hand" - Billy the Kid, TBS edited version of Young Guns
What up dog?
I figured out how to make my PC at work talk to me. It's the best thing to do to call someone with one of those stupid computer voice answering machines and leave a message as a robot. I'm going to do that to some old people I know who live down the street. I just have to wait until the guy goes to work (though he almost never picks up the phone anyway.)
So, someone broke the windsheild washer fluid nozzle off of my car hood. Okay it was me. And today I bought a replacement. It's a very small piece of plastic. It looks sort of like this (click me, oh, click me!) It's less plastic then a mechanical pencil. But it cost $10. Not that $10 is really that much money (not even two Playboy's worth) but still, what a rip off. I would have punched the parts guy in the mouth, but then my hands would be greasy, and I had to come back to work. (Plus, he was big and scary, and he had a moustache - you what they say about people with moustaches...)
On Monday we set up our Christmas tree. On Tuesday morning, it was on the floor. Only one ornament broke, and it was the leg of Rudolph the German reindeer. Until we get a bigger tree stand (which should be tonight) the tree has been tied to the window with twine to keep it from falling over. That's the problem with having a larger room for the tree--we got a taller tree and it's too big for our $6 plastic tree stand. Oh well.
Christmas is only 25 minus 14 days away. (I'm too lasy to do the math.) I know this because Tyler knows this. I mean, I know this because we have a LEGO advent calendar. We had one last year too. Last year's was better, but at least this year's gives me all sorts of odd pieces I can use to take over the word, or make a microfig LEGO city. Seriously, click on that link. It's really cool sucka.
Happy belated birthday Steve, and happy birthday Nate.
Okay, I'm going to go now. Have a nice day.
I figured out how to make my PC at work talk to me. It's the best thing to do to call someone with one of those stupid computer voice answering machines and leave a message as a robot. I'm going to do that to some old people I know who live down the street. I just have to wait until the guy goes to work (though he almost never picks up the phone anyway.)
So, someone broke the windsheild washer fluid nozzle off of my car hood. Okay it was me. And today I bought a replacement. It's a very small piece of plastic. It looks sort of like this (click me, oh, click me!) It's less plastic then a mechanical pencil. But it cost $10. Not that $10 is really that much money (not even two Playboy's worth) but still, what a rip off. I would have punched the parts guy in the mouth, but then my hands would be greasy, and I had to come back to work. (Plus, he was big and scary, and he had a moustache - you what they say about people with moustaches...)
On Monday we set up our Christmas tree. On Tuesday morning, it was on the floor. Only one ornament broke, and it was the leg of Rudolph the German reindeer. Until we get a bigger tree stand (which should be tonight) the tree has been tied to the window with twine to keep it from falling over. That's the problem with having a larger room for the tree--we got a taller tree and it's too big for our $6 plastic tree stand. Oh well.
Christmas is only 25 minus 14 days away. (I'm too lasy to do the math.) I know this because Tyler knows this. I mean, I know this because we have a LEGO advent calendar. We had one last year too. Last year's was better, but at least this year's gives me all sorts of odd pieces I can use to take over the word, or make a microfig LEGO city. Seriously, click on that link. It's really cool sucka.
Happy belated birthday Steve, and happy birthday Nate.
Okay, I'm going to go now. Have a nice day.
Really? You want to just keep the tree tied to the window then. Also, we got ripped off then, becuase this year, I saw the same stand we have for $6.44 at Hell*Mart.
You guys spent money on a couch? You better have enough money left to buy me a nice present!!!!!!!!
Um. you're too lazy even to spell lazy right. sheesh. but i love you anyway.
go to painwave.blogspot.com
You ripped me off with your blog title of What I'm Always Doing Sometimes.
Everyone knows that I always say "that's what I always say sometimes" sometimes.
Don't look now, but there is a Chtorran Bunnydog staring through the window. I SAID DON'T LOOK!
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