Leaves are Crunchy except when they aren't

Geez... That sure is a lot of leaves to rake. Maybe, you can send me some money so I can buy a leaf blower.

Just look at them all.
It's actually getting cooler during the day now. For a while it was still in the 70s during the day, but now it's only getting up into the 50s. It smells better outside now too. (I bet you miss it AB, WM, DD, CG.)
So, the Thrashers finally won again. And, of course, I missed the game. So far, all but one game I've watched they lost. And the game they did win, I missed all of the goals because I was in and out of the family room. (And they won that game 8 to 1.)
Pretty soon I'm going to start writing all sorts of things. Actually, I already have started, but I plan on doing a lot more when the exam is over. It's November 8. Don't wish me luck. I haven't been able to put nearly as much effort into studying as I should have.
Also, we're going to be putting up crown molding and sound proofing the basement (sort of) plus...building a bar down there. If I can convince the beautiful, most awesome, nicest, smartest, coolest wife ever, Michelle, to let me start that now. She keeps saying we need furniture first.
Here's a real life conversation we had:
ME: I'm going to build a bar downstairs after the exam. I can't wait.
HER: We need furniture first.
ME: Okay, what do you want to get.
HER: This. (pointing to something at the furniture store)
ME: Okay, Let's get it.
HER: I'm not sure, do you like it?
ME: Yes, Let's get it.
HER: No. I don't like it anymore.
ME: So can I build a bar now?
HER: No. We need furniture.
ME: What do you want to get?
HER: This. (pointing to something else)
ME: Okay. Let's get it.
HER: Do you like it?
ME: Yes. I love it.
HER: The more I look at it, the less I like the _____ (insert any feature of a furniture you can think of)
ME: (poke myself in eye....poke myself in eye again)
I wonder how it's going to go when I want to build a barn.
I think I cursed myself with the drum set deal. Since then, she can claim that I got what I wanted and now it's her turn, but, of course, everything is more important then a bar in the basement and a barn to jam in isn't it? I mean, come on, who needs couches, an entertainment center, (I won't even tell you how close I was to getting her to agree to buy a 42" plasma TV - seriously, like this close '_'), or dressers, or carpets, or new doors. Man, Michelle has her priorities all messed up. It's a good thing she can cook.
Hey. In that last paragraph, I was just joking around. Michelle can't cook at all. Ha!
I'm gonna tell her what you said!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike you need to put your foot down. YOu say,"Michelle I am the man of this house. If I want a bar I am going to have a bar." YOu build it however you want. I have to go before Liz sees me typing this.
Liz reads Mike's blog too, Nate. And while you are downstairs correcting little kids' math papers like the sucker that you are, I am retaliating against you.
I went to work this morning and there were leaves all over my back yard. When I got back home they were magically gone.
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