Tacos Rule --> What I'm always doing sometimes: The joy of home ownership

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The joy of home ownership

You know you're a home owner when you get excited about installing a new thermostat.

A Balmy 68 degrees

Hopefully, in the long run, this will save on the costs of heating the house. We got the thermostats sales tax free since they are a way to cut down on energy costs. Connecticut encourages everyone to do their part. This is a quote from the Connecticut Energy Commission:

"Citizens should make efforts to reduce the cost of and use energy. We suggest humans sit down instead of standing since it requires less energy. "

I don't know about that, but at least I'm doing my part to slow the consumption of fossil fuels.

I got some pre-hopped and unhopped malt exacts in the mail the other day. Once I get down to the beer making supply store to get some primer sugar and yeast, I'll start brewing my next batch of beer, an ESB! Hopefully this beer will have less of the cidery taste my first batch had.
I also bought a book on home brewing. It's exciting stuff. Some day I'll make a light lager beer with just a hint of sweat from my ass crack in it, and I'll name it Buttwiser. It'll be a big hit with the ladies.

Plus, I got a recipe for Brown Ale, but it came with a booster pack, which is just sugar, so I think I'll get some unhopped malt exact for that too, instead of using the booster pack. Then I can make a Nut Brown Ale and an ESB! All I need to do is borrow Paw's fermenter for like 2 weeks.

Also, tonight I think I am going to order a notebook computer. Sony Vaio. Sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Mike typed so nicely:

I had to erase the previous comment because someone named "anonymous" keeps harassing me. I don't know anyone named anonymous. It's really not much to type in a name when you comment. Lazy bastard.

Though, I do sit down a lot. I work smarter, not harder

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

Okay already!I won't use anonymous anymore. Sheesh, what a pain you are.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Mike typed so nicely:

Whoa, sorry Mom. I didn't mean to call you a lazy bastard, you knucklehead.

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

I always liked Dave better anyway. He is so sweet and totally kicks ass, and by sweet and kicks ass I mean like a ninja on a rampage tearing up buildings and eating the people inside.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Mike typed so nicely:

Wow, Mom, if that was really you, I'd be really impressed. But I doubt that it is not Dave in disguise, that despicable weasel.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

It must be Dave. I never really liked any of you! So untrue. Love you all the same amount but in different ways, cuz you are different people.

9:33 PM  

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