We got a lot of snow yesterday. Crippity crapsticks.
Here's the same area of our yard only 3 short months ago:

Or here's a picture of our house in the summer and during the snow storm:


We easily got over 7.8 million inches of snow in our yard. I think that much snow effects people's brains. Let me explain.
Michelle's boss called her on Tuesday morning and told her not to come to the office but to, "go build a snowman." Not only did Michelle blatantly disobey her boss's orders, she actually went upstairs, and worked from home.
Now, you might be thinking that this shows that Michelle has a strong work ethic, but it doesn't. I called and nicely asked her to make me a chicken pot pie, since her boss told her not to work anyway. Guess, what? When I got home, no chicken pot pie. Plus, no laundry done, floors not mopped and/or waxed, carpets not vacuumed, shelves not dusted... women these days, they have their priorities all messed up.
At least she made me some soup to eat after I shoveled off the walkway in like 27.8 seconds.

Ultimately though, I can't complain too much. This morning, before work, Michelle and I made this snowman.

P.S. Happy Birthday Chris.
Leroy and Cederic are immune to Frosty Voorhees anbd his magical powers of death.
I got snow on my boots
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