Tacos Rule --> What I'm always doing sometimes: Diagnosis: Nerder

Friday, December 08, 2006

Diagnosis: Nerder

Last week, I wasn't feeling too well, so I headed to my doctor, Dr. Quinn, to see what was ailing me. She probed me over twice and came to the conclusion that I was nerdy. I couldn't believe it at first, but then she showed me this simple nerd test.

1. Do you own a video game system?
b- Do you own more than one?
c- Is any system more than 20 years old?

2. Do you have tee shirts with video game themes on them?

3. Do you own any "collectable action figures"?
b- Have you ever rummaged through a display at a store to obtain just the right figure?
c- Have you ever attended a tag sale looking to purchase "vintage" figures?

4. Do you read math books for leisure?

5. Do you watch NOVA on PBS?

6. Can you name the person who wrote the teleplay for the Star Trek episode, The Trouble with Tribbles?

7. Can you name a character from an Issac Asimov story?
b- Can you name more than five?

8. Are you a member of an internet discussion forum concerning robots, video games, math, or "collectible action figures"?

9. Have you ever played D&D?
b- Have you ever been the Dungeon Master?

10. Is the ratio of 'yes' answers to 'no' above greater than the ratio of the first palindrome prime number with an even number of digits to the first Fermet prime number? If so, you are a nerd.

I had 13 yes answers, (including #10) but only 3 no answers. How could this happen?! I'm too young to get afflicted with this. I'm not even 30 yet.

I'm now on a prescription of beer, mashed potatoes and girlie magazines, and I've been using a power tool of some kind every other day in order to cure myself.

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Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

Is DR Quinn hot?

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

I took the test and I am NOT nerdy! So there.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Mike typed so nicely:

Anonymous said: "Is DR Quinn hot"

She sort of looks like Jane Seymour.

Anonymous implied: "I'm ashamed of myself or incredibly lazy, so I didn't type my actual name in the field for name when I typed my comment."

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

I am happy to say that I can only answer one of these questions with a "yes"

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous typed so nicely:

so if i could take the
nerder quiz , and i loooked at the
questons ,if i can only answer
3 of them yes and all the rest
no, does that mean i'm nerdy?
but even if i'm a nerd i still like my life , JUST KIDDING if i'm a nerd i'm going to be crazy ,you know there's not that many nerds in Winsted.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Mike typed so nicely:


You are nerdy for spelling Phoenix incorrectly. Nerd.

10:26 PM  

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