Friday Five 6/29/07
Right now, I'm listening a song called Just Kickin' Like A Wild Donkey. It's okay.
I have a lot of different kinds of music on there from classical, jazz, real heavy metal, awesome, and even a little bluegrass.
I have a lot of favorites, but only a few real favorites. The thing is, some of my favorite albums aren't always by my favorite bands. It's actually pretty rare that I like every song on an album. There are only a few albums I have that I do.
Five albums I can almost always listen to (I don't need to be in the mood) and I pretty much like every song on the album, even though the band is probably not one of my favorites unless they are:
(the order is sort of mostly meaningful)
OK Computer - Radiohead (11 of 12 songs - Fitter Happier isn't really a song anyway)
Superunknown - Soundgarden (14 of 15 - Spoonman is just too stupid for me)
Bring Your Own Stereo - Jimmie's Chicken Shack (13 of 13)
Dirt - Alice in Chains (13 of 13)
...And Justice for All - Metallica (9 of 9)
By the way, I purposely excluded "Greatest Hits" and "Best of" albums.
P.S. I don't intend for this blog to become a weekly top five list, it's just that I haven't done too much worth writing about lately.
Labels: friday five, music, my opinion